In the city of Kathmandu, Nepal, massage is a part of everyday life. It’s inexpensive, abundant, and easily accessible to all.

Where you live, however, we’re betting massage might be out of your price range and/or hard-to-find. (If not, what are you waiting for? Go go go!) This is too bad. A good massage can do wonders for stress levels and well being, while also boosting mental clarity and memory. If you can’t afford one, a friend or loved one can give you one, too. It may not be as expert as a professional massage, but any touch is better than none.

This week, we’re asking you to take at least five minutes (more minutes are fine, if you have them) out of your busy day to relax, breathe, reflect and slow down, whether through massage or one of the many other methods of relaxation therapy, such as deep breathing, meditation, tai chi, yoga, biofeedback, music and art therapy, aromatherapy and hydrotherapy.

Find your own particular means to find that zen moment of ahhhhh, when the world and its worries recede from the foreground. Yes, even if only for five minutes. Relaxation therapy may seem indulgent, but it’s not. It’s actually critical for your cognitive health and well being.